Q&A with Alexander Pankin, Head of Information Modeling Management

by Sophie She
4 min read
May 8, 2024
Back in 2020, Archid Studio carried out a large-scale digitalisation of business processes, part of which was the full implementation of BIM technologies. We spoke to Alexander Pankin, Head of Information Modeling Management, about what BIM is and how its implementation benefits clients of Archid Studio. 

— First of all, what does “BIM” stand for?

—  BIM is a technology for Building Information Modelling.

— So it's just a 3D model of a building? 

— Not really, it’s more informative, and thus more valuable. To put it simply, BIM is like a 3D model that virtually presents architectural, structural, and engineering elements with the necessary data for the construction cycle of an object — i.e. dimensions, materials, and cost. Most importantly, all the parameters are interconnected — if one has changed, then all the others are changing— making the system holistic and vital for efficient construction. 

BIM is just like a philosophy combined with Agile methodology. It is a set of programmes in which each company can organise its work in different ways, conveying their values, securing processes, and results.

— What role BIM plays in Archid Studio’s projects?

— In Archid Studio, BIM is definitely in the spotlight. It solves several tasks at once:

  • It allows data-driven construction design
  • It automizes calculations of volumes of work and construction materials
  • And it helps in major planning of work and procurement, and tenders

— What is Archid Studio’s unique Approach to BIM?

— We integrate BIM with the Master Data Management (MDM) system.

This holistic approach allows us to make efficient and data-driven decisions quickly and efficiently with no pitfalls  


  • The construction schedule has been changed  —> the delivery schedule has changed.
  • The delivery material has changed  —> the estimates have changed.

From the client's perspective, this all means a completely new level of transparency and control over the entire process. Thanks to MDM, we can manage processes and make decisions in direct mode, speeding up the timeline and eliminating mistakes. A revolutionary story for the industry, in fact.

We foresee every step, communicating everything transparently to our clients. 

Thanks to Mr. Pankin’s team, Archid Studio can deliver results through transparent processes, monitoring the model and all its data online in real time. 

To know more about how we can optimise the construction cycle with our digital solutions — leave us a note here and our specialists will be happy to consult you on possible opportunities! 

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