Framework for the future

by Sophie She
5 min read
July 8, 2024
There are few major global events that have an impact on the world. One of them took place in Dubai back in 2023.

The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties (so, COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), was the 28th conference, held at Expo City. That edition emphasized the urgency of integrating sustainable practices across all sectors, including architecture and construction.

It is fair to say COP28 has played a significant role in shaping Archid Studio’s development and vision. We have been assured that digital products like BIM, Digital Twin, IoT are the keys in moving towards sustainable growth.

Thus, let’s revisit the key outcomes of COP28 and explore their implications for the architecture and construction sectors.

Key Outcomes of COP28:

  1. Strengthened Global Commitments to Net Zero
    One of the major outcomes of COP28 was the reinforced commitment by nations to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This aligns with the Paris Agreement's goals to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The conference saw a significant increase in pledges from countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources.

  1. Enhanced Focus on Sustainable Infrastructure
    COP28 highlighted the critical role of sustainable infrastructure in achieving climate goals. There was a strong emphasis on the need for resilient, energy-efficient buildings that can adapt to changing environmental conditions. This includes the use of sustainable materials, renewable energy integration, and smart building technologies.

  1. Innovation and Technology in Construction
    The conference underscored the importance of innovation and technology in driving sustainable construction practices. Digital Twin and BIM technologies were recognized as key enablers in optimizing building design, construction, and operation processes, leading to significant reductions in waste and energy consumption.

Archid Studio Commenting:

"At Archid Studio, we are thrilled to see the global community embracing the principles we have long championed. The outcomes of COP28 reinforce our commitment to sustainability and innovation. Our use of Digital Twin and BIM technologies not only enhances efficiency but also significantly reduces the environmental impact of our projects. These tools allow us to create precise digital replicas of physical structures, enabling us to optimize every phase of a building's life cycle."

Mohamed Saad, Constructor at Archid Studio

“The  Keturah Villa in Dubai is a small project against the background of the challenges indicated on the COP28. However, at the same time, the technologies that we used in the project can be used for large-scale projects with the same result. The beauty of digital is that it scales easily. By utilizing Advanced BIM Engineering, Archid Studio reduced material waste by 20% and energy consumption by 15%. The digital models allowed the team to simulate different design scenarios and their environmental impacts before construction began, ensuring the most sustainable approach was chosen.”

Dmitry Soloviev, Chief Designer at Keturah Villa

"While the outcomes of COP28 are promising, implementing these sustainability initiatives poses challenges. The initial investment required for advanced technologies and sustainable materials can be a barrier for some stakeholders. Additionally, there is a need for greater collaboration across the industry to establish standardized practices and regulatory frameworks that support sustainable construction."

Ahmad Hamdan, Mechanical Engineer at Archid Studio

As the architecture and construction industry moves forward, the insights and initiatives discussed during COP28 will play a crucial role in shaping future projects. Archid Studio plans to intensify its focus on renewable energy integration, smart building systems, and zero-carbon construction methods. The company is committed to aligning its projects with the global objectives set forth at COP28, continuously pushing the boundaries of technology and sustainability.

“COP28's emphasis on sustainability resonates deeply with our core mission at Archid Studio. We are committed to pioneering sustainable building practices and integrating cutting-edge technologies like Digital Twin and BIM (Building Information Modeling) to enhance efficiency and reduce environmental impact. COP28 has reinforced the global urgency to adopt sustainable practices, and we are excited to contribute to this transformative agenda.”

Artem Salikov, CEO at Archid Studio

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